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Offering specialised cost effective water development and management advice to the water sector in Zambia and surrounding countries.

Water resources

Assessment, development and management

Water Engineering

Piped water supply, irrigation, topographic surveys and mapping

About Aquaquest

Aquaquest Ltd. is a Zambian Consultancy firm, specialized in water resources investigations and water development, which delivers professional services in Zambia from its head office in Zambia since 2010. Our mission is to improve the lives and livelihoods in the region through sustainable, professional consulting and project management in the water sector..

Aquaquest services

Aquaquest is specialized in state-of-the-art groundwater and surface water surveys, drilling supervision and contract management, borehole assessment, water supply development, irrigation scheme development, GIS and database development and topographic surveying. We have a network of associate specialists in all major fields of water development.

On many farms the boreholes have been underutilized because wrong pumps have been installed, screens are blocked, pipes have fallen into boreholes and need to be cleaned, boreholes have silted etc. Aquaquest can assist you in a proper assessment of your borehole water supply that may still be able to supply more water in a sustainable manner than you think. Contact us for advice before you embark on expensive drilling programmes!

Aquaquest projects

Aquaquest has carried out numerous projects in various countries, including Zambia, Malawi and Tanzania. Take a look at some of our projects

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